Selected Works > Im/Parting

Installation Still of "Im/Parting"
video projection, vertical blinds, carpet
Installation Still of "Oscillating Vertical Blinds"
vertical blinds, servo motor, Arduino, battery pack, fishing wire, Phillips light
160 x 120 x 6 cm
With Love, From Dad
video with audio
Installation Still of "36 Tea Chests"
flatpack cardboard boxes
119 x 168 x 50 cm
Handle With Care
digital photograph
Top Reality
digital photograph

Im/Parting commemorates my final memory of my family home in its barest form: as it stood waiting in anticipation for new owners to cover its walls, to fill its kitchen drawers and to retile its ensuite bathroom. As all of the furniture and personal belongings were removed, the emptiness revealed the unspoken histories that were inherently embedded within the site over time. I responded to the discussions with my father and documentation of our home by altering and casting domestic objects. I chose to disclose this autobiographical experience of the often mundane and tedious process of moving house to investigate the broader study of how human beings interact with our localised environment and construct our understanding of home.